Machine Piecing
Machine, Hand Applique
Machine Quilting
Size 120×100cm
Quilt Odyssey2000 コンテスト入選

そんなShaunに彼のJeepの写真をもらい、まずは何枚かスケッチをすることから始め、彼らしいワイルドなイメージを表現できるよう動きのある構図にしてみました。 このキルトは今、ニューヨークでアートを勉強する彼の部屋に飾られているそうです。いつかまたこのキルトに会えるかな。。。
Shaun’s Jeep
This quilt was accepted for the exhibition Quilt Odyssey2000 in the U.S.
While studying Quilt making, I had belonged to various groups. In the traditional quilt group, we enjoyed quilting every week with the tops made by the members.
I guess she was in the one of the art quilt groups. One day, a woman who saw the Motorcycle quilt I was working on at that time was asked, “My son loves Jeep, so I would like you to make a Jeep quilt.”
Her son, Shaun, was four years younger than me (he was 19 years old at the time), but twice as tall as me, and he was bearded looks older than me…
I got pictures of his jeep from Shaun, started with some sketches, and tried to make a dynamic composition to express his wild image. The quilt is now displayed in his room where he studies art in New York. I wrote this sentence a few years after I returned to Japan. Twenty years have passed since then. We are in good middle age now.