Machine Piecing
Machine Applique
Size 110 ×130cm
制作1年 構想7年

その思いは人生最大の山場(仕事と子育ての激務)を迎えて、実現出来ない夢となって消えたかと思っていました。それが 、ふと夫から「休もう」と提案されいきなり現実のものに。それも実際に現地に到着してから「そういえばずっとココに来たかったんだ」と気づいたくらい、私は後ろも前も見えていない状況でした。とにかく2011年の夏、家族で滞在させてもらったこのキルトにある家は、本当に素敵でした。ただの旅行ではなく、何となく自分を見失っていた時期でもあったので、友人ご家族の温かいおもてなしと、森の木々や動物たちに毎日癒されながら過ごした数週間は私にとって貴重な時間でした。とにかくこの感謝の気持ちをキルトの端から端まで込めて作ったつもりです。



The house in Pines Lake 2013
It took me one year to make it, and seven years to think about it.
The request was made by my respected friend Keiko-san.
About 12 years ago (it’s dating back to 2013, when I wrote this, so how many years ago?) she and I both lived in Tokyo.
I used to work for the same company, but I think I didn’t spend much time working together.
Even so, I loved her calm voice and way of speaking, and I admired her atmosphere.
I had the cooking, and I was able to get along well.
After that, Keiko-san moved to New York. I moved to Zushi and Gifu.
Meanwhile we were given girls of similar age. She moved from New York to New Jersey.
When I was shown a picture of that beautiful house in the woods, I was eager to go there some day.
A few years later, I had the biggest mountain in my life: hard work and parenting.
I thought that my dream of going to a beautiful forest would never come true.
However, one day, my husband suggested that I take a break, and it suddenly became a reality.
After arriving at the forest, I realized that “I’ve always wanted to come here.” I was in a situation where I could not see the back or the front.
Anyway, the house in this quilt that I stayed with my family in the summer of 2011 was really nice.
It wasn’t just a trip. It was a time when I was losing sight of myself.
I was healed every day by the hospitality of my friends and the trees and animals of the forest.
The few weeks I spent were precious time for me.
I expressed this gratitude in the quilt.
After moving to Gifu, I didn’t have much concentration and tried to get used to the new environment, but nothing worked. I was mentally depressed and had a tough year. I made this quilt at that time.
The other day (2013) she came to my home when she returned to Japan. From that time when I was asked for the work to today. I was almost overwhelmed by the pains I had in the process of the work and the summer I spent in the house for a short period.
Keiko-san asked me to make this because she wanted to leave this house where her daughter lived for the first time as a quilt. I was relieved to see her happy face.
I want to go to that forest again to see this quilt someday. I made many decisions during my stay.
Am I doing them properly? What kind of person am I when I stand in front of this quilt next time?
I’m looking forward to it. Keiko-san, I learned a lot. I’m really thankful to you!