フランスの風 2005


Machine Piecing
Hand Applique
Hand & Machine Quilting
Size 150×150cm
世界キルトカーニバル名古屋 入賞

この作品は、実は最初に「Vicy」というタイトルでつくった作品を拡張して完成させた作品です。「Vicy」の状態では、教会の周りに枠がありましたがそれは取り除きました。 19歳のとき、フランスに2ヶ月間留学したことがありました。一番の目的はフランス語習得でした(今ではすっかり忘れてしまいましたが・・・)が、それよりも、授業の合間に公園でスケッチするのを楽しみに毎日を過ごしていました。そのときのスケッチをもとにつくったのがこのキルトです。


The wind I felt in France
This quilt won the contest at the World Quilt Carnival Nagoya.

Actually this work is an extension of the work the title “Vicy”. There was a frame around the church that was removed.
When I was 19, I studied abroad in France for two months. My primary purpose was to learn French (I’ve forgotten it now…), but rather, I spent my days looking forward to sketching in the park between classes. This quilt was created based on the sketch at that time.

Vicy is the name of the small town in central France where I lived at that time. I sketched with a pencil the church seen from a small park in the town. It was a very cold season(February and March), but I remember a beautiful and warm sunset.

When I made it, it was finished in a warm image quilt. The building and car in the upper left part. This is the home I stayed. The host mother’s car was very old so that it would almost fall into pieces when the wind blew, but it was firmly rooted in front of the front door.