The garden of Atelier feliz 2014
Fabric collage

以前、イベント開催でお世話になったカフェ、アトリエフェリス(Art+eat atelier feliz)さんの写真。よく晴れた夕方、ふと思い立って一年ぶりに娘と行ってきました。夕焼けに染まる柿の木が続く美しい田園風景が、無我夢中だった頃の自分を思い出させました。夫に言わせれば「遊んでいた」時期だったかもしれないけど、今思えば生まれ育った関東から全く違う土地へ引っ越してきて、その新しい環境に慣れるのに精一杯でした。娘と二人きりのアパート生活。楽チンな生活とは裏腹に、自分の心がどんどん狭くなっていくようで苦しかったです。そんなよく分からない気持ちを娘にぶつけて自己嫌悪の日々。建築途中だった家のことで忙しいさなか、この土地でお店を復活させるべくフェリスさんでのイベント開催を決心したのでした。

The garden of Atelier feliz 2014
A photo of Art+eat atelier feliz, a cafe run by a person who took care of me at the event.
I went to my daughter on a sunny afternoon for the first time in a year.
The beautiful countryside with the persimmon trees dyed by the sunset reminded me of when I was in crazy busy days. My husband may have said that it was a time when I was “just doing nothing”.
But when I think about it now, I moved to a completely different land from the Kanto where I was born and raised, and I was fully prepared to get used to the new environment. My husband lived in Tokyo at that time for work, so I was alone with my daughter.
Contrary to comfortable life, my heart was getting narrower and it was a pain. Every day of self-loathing by hitting my daughter with such an unknown feeling. I decided to hold an event at Atelier feliz to restart my quilt business in this land.
A delicious parfait and a nice garden.
Even when I first came, it was a beautiful sunset. The owner, Norika-san and I talked a lot.
So I could not take a picture of the beautiful eucalyptus tree in the garden.
First I drew a drawing with a pencil. It takes a total of 4 hours to draw this.
After two weeks, I mobilized all the fabrics I had, and cut and arranged the selected fabrics that would be used in this work into small pieces (since this work is so small).
Anyway, it is extremely difficult to find a perfect piece of work every time from the fabrics that are my entire property.
This time, I tried a selection test in advance so that it would be easy to select at hand.
But after all, I’ll probably dig out a lot of rags later.
Most of the fabrics I choose for my picture quilt are batik. Still, if everything is batik, it will be fuzzy, so I will use printed fabric somewhere.
I’m surrounded by fabrics, but I’m spending days waiting for the fabrics to fly to the customer’s hands, thinking “I can use this… I think it’s easy to use…”.
When the work started, I was rushed to “Where is that fabric?” So, I’m in a very wasteful position that I’m in a really blessed environment but I can’t make the most of it.
Every day I regret the desire to create more and more works and lament the amount of work. How many years have I lived like this? I have to crawl out.