Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?


The World of ERIC CARLE

Machine Piecing
Machine Applique
Machine Quilting 

Size 50×50cm





お題はエリックカール。はらぺこあおむしはあまりにも有名ですね。我が家にももちろん絵本があり、息子にもよく見せていましたが、他にもステキな絵本がたくさん。エリックカールの絵本の中で好きなものを選んで良いというので、こちらの「Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?(カンガルーの子どもにも、かあさんいるの?」を選びました。その絵本の中のキリン親子のページです。まだまだ小さな息子が動物に興味を持ち始め、はじめて言葉にしたのがこのきりん。最初は家族にしか分からない呪文のようでした。





Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too? by Eric Carle
The largest quilt event in Japan, “Tokyo International Quilt Festival”. It is an event held at Tokyo Dome at the end of January every year. (As of 2020, we don’t attend the festival anymore. Thank you for visiting our booth so many times.)
Of course, as a shop owner, I used to stand at the sales booth, but in 2018, I exhibited a frame painting quilt work at the same time as the store opened. This is the first time that the venue has been decorated with works since the 2009 festival sea turtle quilt “To the Future”.

The theme is Eric Carle. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is very famous. Of course, I had the picture book at home, and I often showed it to my son, but there are many other wonderful picture books of Eric Carle. I chose “Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?” This is the page of Giraffe’s mom and child. This “giralle”(Kirin in Japanese) was the first word that my little son started to take an interest in animals. At first, it seemed like a spell that only his family could understand.

Instead of just making the world in the picture book into a work, I cut out the moments of “I put my son on my lap and open the picture book” and “I enjoy talking with my son while reading the picture book”. .. It’s a casual everyday life that never come back, but it’s an important moment with my son. I was able to leave it in the quilt. I am fortunate to have this kind of production opportunity.

Now when he gets on the table, his parents get angry. Graffiti on the wall. Scratch the wall. Eat mess.Crayons that stick out of the paper with dynamic drawing, and scribble again from above. Weep at foods he doesn’t like, and laugh at family conversations. The quilt is displayed on the wall overlooking the daily life. He has grown up to be a boy full of energy now, but I wonder if one day he will know the meaning of this quilt and will miss it. It’s been a busy day and I can’t afford to look back on my child’s growth, but every time I see this giraffe mother and child, I feel the warmth of my little son on my lap.